Sharing about edible and medicinal plants

This blog is being set up for the purpose of those who want to have a better knowledge of edible and medicinal plants. Especially for those who have been on my wild plant hikes in Terry Andrae State Park and Maywood enviormental park both located in Sheboygan Wisconsin.
We hope to turn much of this information into a book that you can carry with you on your walks. We will only be talking about plants that my wife (Mary) and I use.
Today at the hike at Terry Andrae State Park 38 people showed up.
We ended the hike with nettle and mint tea that we picked.
The favorite plant was the wild leek pictured here.
The woods around our house is just full of them and the bulbs seem to be at their best now. The edible leaves are getting a little mature this late in the season but they are still good. We cut both bulb and leaves up to use raw in salads or we cook them up in butter and soy sause. This is my favorite wild edible plant,
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