Student loan forgiveness for homesteading
"Several communities across the country suffering from brain drain want to pay your educational bills in exchange for you being a homesteader. At least 50 counties in Kansas qualify as what are called Rural Opportunity Zones. In return for living in these communities, they'll absorb up to $15,000 of your student loan debt and exempt you from state income tax for five years. You don't have to be a resident of the state to qualify for this program."
"Niagara Falls, NY is offering up to $3,500 a year in loan forgiveness if you'll either rent and live there full time or buy a home in the community that you occupy as a full-time resident."
Student loan forgiveness for homesteading? |
"Niagara Falls, NY is offering up to $3,500 a year in loan forgiveness if you'll either rent and live there full time or buy a home in the community that you occupy as a full-time resident."
Student loan forgiveness for homesteading? |
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