Mary Does Sprouts

We have been growing all kinds of sprouts for over 30 years. We have done it many different ways and trying all kinds of kits but we always come back to the simple and cheapest way. Using canning jars. Let show you how we do it.
Here is a video on how we do it.
Sprouts are very young plants. They are grown for about a week, and eaten while they still have many of the nutritional reserves for growth. They have been called a miracle food and nature’s most perfect food.
Sprouts are very inexpensive (even when organic), always fresh (they grow until you chew them) and have the potential to help solve hunger and malnutrition problems in our communities and in developing countries. The are rich in nutrients, affordable, and easy to transport before sprouting. Sprouts are precious in winter, whenthe quality of fresh fruits and vegetables is declining as their price increases.
- Low Cost- Only 25 to 50 cents per pound of greens!
- Organic Greens- all year round, in any climate, everywhere.
- Healthy- No fat, low-calorie, high-energy, and gluten free!
- Nutrient Rich- Sprouts supply a high amount of fiber, vitamins, minerals, protein, and contain enzymes that aid in digestion.
- Good sources of vitamin C, B, and A.
- Alive with active nutrients and enzymes.
- Younger, thinner cell walls allow ease of digestion.
- Highest amount of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes of any food per unit of calorie.
- Variety- From mild to spicy and leafy to crunchy. Liven up your diet! Make salads, dressings, dips, spreads, and more.
- Self-sufficiency- Reduces dependence on commercially grown food. Great for camping, boating, and limited space.
- Ecological- No airplane or trucking fuel, oil, synthetic fertilizers, irradiation or preservatives.
- Detox your body- Chlorophyll helps cleanse and oxygenate the blood. Enzymes aid in the digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Fiber aids elimination and their lecithin helps remove cholesterol.
- Build your immune system- Antioxidant enzyme are essential for immune system functions, promoting bodily rebuilding and healing.
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