Whats for tea and Lunch

At this time of the year the nettles are just starting to push out of the ground around here they are about four inches high. Depending how sensitive your hands are you may or may not have to wear gloves when you pick them. I usually just pick them with my bare hands.
The easiest way is to just pinch off the top two to three sets of leaves.

It makes a very pretty tea. Those are nettle leaves in front of the tea pot. In the spring I have this for my morning tonic. They are also very good stir fried and we often mix them in with the leeks when we cook them.

Below is an omelet made with wild leeks and domestic mushrooms and broccoli. In the cup is apple cider that we pressed last fall. There are many apples in the wilds and peoples yards that go to waste. Just one tree of small 'worm eaten' apples produced over thirty gallons of cider. The worms don't affect the taste and they 'certify' that it is pesticide free.

As it is cooler fall when we press the apples I just keep it in five gallon buckets outside on the north side of the house. If it gets to warm then it turns in to nice bubbly cider and if it freezes it just keeps longer. We drink about a gallon a week and have it well into the winter. We also put about 15 gallons in the freezer so we still have some to drink now.


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