Bucket Vegies
Well, I guess some plants don't mind the blood rushing to their heads. Our experiment using the 5 gallon pail is coming along fine.
Now with the warm/hot rainless weather it needs to be watered every day. And that means more fertilizing too. The trick is to water it just enough so it covers all the roots and not so much that it drips through. And since our buckets are white you can see the water flowing down in there.
Speaking of fertilizer, we decided to prosume on that too. Oh sure, you can get a 16oz bottle of fish emulsion at your local fleet farm or nursery or wherever and dilute that to feed your babies. But why miss the face making throat gagging experience that comes with making your own.
Throw some fish heads and innards in one of those extra pails, fill with water and let it sit for a couple weeks (you don't want to forget to put the cover on, trust me). Dip some out and dilute that. Then if you can stand the smell, give your plants their steroid shots.
Now before you crinkle up your nose and protest nasally, John will tell you to put about a 4 inch layer of wood chips in the bottom of the pail and then put your diluted solution on that and the chips seem to hold some of that smell. But we all know that sometimes good things come in smelly packages???????????
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